218 532 3726

Terms & Conditions

All Tenants must agree to follow the following rules

  1. All Tenants are expected to use common sense and show consideration and respect for all other Tenants, Guests, and Employees of Pelican Hills RV Park. Visitors are allowed at no additional fee and are expected to follow all park rules. Guests’ actions are the responsibility of the leaseholder.
  2. The Speed Limit within the Park is 10 MPH and applies to all park roads.
  3. Quiet Hours are between 10:00 pm and 8:00 am. Loud noise is not allowed during these hours. This includes music, dogs barking, large crowds, etc. The owners/employees will determine the definition of loud noise.
  4. Buildings Children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult while in the community center and shower house building. Parents are responsible for their children’s behavior and for damages caused by their children.
  5. The Swimming Pool and Kiddie Pool are open from approximately 9 am to 9 pm or dusk daily from approximate Memorial day to Labor Day. No Glass is allowed in the pool area, Plastic Only. Pets are not allowed in the pool area. Infants must wear swim diapers. Children under the age of 14 must be accompanied by an adult while in the pool area.
  6. All Park Buildings, including the Pool Area, are Smoke Free.
  7. Pets must be on a leash at all times. Tenants are expected to clean up after their pets and keep them quiet. They are not to be left unattended. Pets are not allowed in any of the park buildings or pool area. No electronic leashes.
  8. Golf Carts are to be ridden in a responsible manner, not exceeding 10 MPH, and are restricted to RV Park roads only. These vehicles are not to be ridden after sunset without a headlight or if they are too loud. Liability insurance is required. Drivers must be 16 years of age and have a driver’s license to operate these vehicles. Learner’s Permits do not qualify. No bicycle riding after sunsetNO ATV’S ALLOWED.
  9. Vehicle Parking on RV sites is limited to one vehicle unless space permits. Extra Parking is available by the store, community center, and shower house. Please ask if you have extra parking needs.
  10. All Boats, Watercrafts, and Trailers are to be stored in your assigned Boat Parking Site, NOT on your RV site. You may park them temporarily at you RV site for loading and unloading purposes only and not overnight.  Limit one boat/trailer per boat site.  Boat charging stations are provided for your use (24 hour limit).
  11. Only one RV or Mobile Home per site. No tents are allowed except in the tent camping area (additional fee).
  12. Campfires must be made in fire rings only and must be attended at all times. Please be sure that your fire is entirely extinguished before retiring for the night. Please do not move your fire pits once they have been used. No garbage in the fire pits. Please double bag the ash before throwing it in the dumpster.

Garbage dumpsters are provided throughout the park. They are for household garbage only. No appliances, furniture, lawn furniture, construction materials, etc. All boxes should be broken down and brought to recycling station. Recycling bins are located near the store for plastic, glass, aluminum, paper, and cardboard.

Clean Fish in the fish cleaning house only. Please wrap the guts in newspaper, place in a plastic bag, and set in the freezer outside the house. Do not put fish guts in the garbage dumpsters.

Absolutely No Fireworks, firearms, BB Guns, slingshots, or bows and arrows.

Decks, Sheds, and Landscaping all require prior written approval from Park Management. Only one shed per site. All sheds and decks must be at least 10 feet from any neighboring RV/Mobile Homes, decks, and sheds per fire code regulations. Decks are not to exceed 250 square feet. No new enclosure and/or additions allowed. Landscaping must be next to RV/Mobile Home only for mowing purposes. No lawn ornaments unless they are next to your RV/Mobile Home or deck. No rock edging for mowing purposes. One picnic table per site.

Outdoor faucets are required to have backflow preventers on at all time per the Minnesota Health Department. DO NOT TAKE THESE WITH YOU WHEN YOU CHECK OUT

Please keep your RV/ Mobile Home site neat and clean at all times. Store all personal items away when you are not present in the park

It is the Tenant’s responsibility to clean up their site prior to vacating the park.